Thursday, February 5, 2009

Appalachian Granny Magic

One of our members on the, turned our eyes to an article posted in witchvox. Being of Scotch-Irish descent and living in the Appalachian mountains, I became intrigued immediately.

The Appalachian Granny Magic Tradition of Witchcraft is one that is only
recently being heard of. Though the tradition is a very old one, dating all the
way back to the first settlers of the magical Appalachian Mountains who came
over from Scotland and Ireland in the 1700's. They brought along their even
older Irish and Scottish Magical Traditions with them. Those two 'old world'
Traditions were then blended with a dash of the local tradition of the Tsalagi
(Now, called the Cherokee Indians.) The recipe for the Appalachian Granny Magic
Tradition was then complete, though this potion simmered on a low boil for many
generations before anyone dubbed it with the name, 'Appalachian Granny

For more of the article, please click on the link Appalachian Granny Magic

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Birth Totems

Birth totems, unlike Power totems, are only with us in our present incarnation. They do not travel with us from one life to the next. They are the animals that we choose to be born under in order to learn a certain life lesson. The closer we align and integrate our life's lessons, the more we tend to exhibit the higher vibrations of that particular birth totem.

Birth totems are equivalent to the sun signs that we are born under in exoteric Astrology. And are easily broken down in month intervals. Unlike power totems which may take months or even years to discover through meditation and shamanic journeys; birth totems are as easy to figure out as reading the chart below, which I found at and highly recommend as a good totem reference.

Falcon March 21st - April 19th
Beaver April 20th - May 20th
Deer May 21st - June 20th
Woodpecker June 21st - July 21st
Salmon July 22nd - August 21st
Bear August 22nd - September 21st
Crow September 22nd - October 22nd
Snake October 23rd - November 23rd
Owl - November 24th - December 21st
Goose - December 22nd - January 19th
Otter - January 20th - February 18th
Wolf - February 19th - March 20th

My birth totem is the snake. It falls under the element water. Which is a heavy theme in my current incarnation being that I'm also a double scorpio.

Birth Totem Snake
Birth dates: October 23 - Novermber22
Birth Totem: Snake
Clan of: Frog (Water Chief)
Wind is: West
Directional Totem is: Bear
Conscious intent is: Physical Fulfillment
Motive of Higher Self is: Spiritual Union.
Plant/Flower: Thistle
Mineral: Amethyst

Keywords: Intense, Regenerative, Penetrating, Passionate, Scornful

Birth Totem Snake is an individual whose outer personality is driven by desires of both the physical body and the emotional heart.In Nature, the snake is in a constant state of transformation, regeneration and renewal as he sheds his old skin, revealing a healthy, new skin to begin the next cycle of his Life.

Like their Birth Totem, individuals born under the Totem of Snake are souls compelled toward continual evolution and transformation, driven to discard the past and emerge with the new “flesh” and sight of the dawn now before them. Yet the process is often a challenging one as in order to step into the brilliant Light of Self Acknowledgment, these individuals must first face,
and then release, the painful moments of their ~past.~Many such lessons for Birth Totem Snake, will come in the guise of physical desires as they are very sensual individuals that consciously seek to bond with another on a physical level. These strong urges can be nearly overwhelming at times and may often lead one who has not integrated the Physical Self to the Spiritual, Mental and Emotional, into painful situations in which they may either unintentionally hurt
another, or become hurt themselves.

The reason for this often is because there is a deeper calling that arises from the Soul of Birth Snake, the call to Spiritual Union with another. Yet this call, when one is operating from
Personality, is heard as a call to join only in physical union. Those times when the Snake individual joins with another in an act of physical passion, yet the spiritual union is not achieved, is ultimately left with a sense of dissatisfaction. Whether verbally expressed to their partner or not, this dissatisfaction may ultimately lead to one or both partners becoming disillusioned and wanting “more” from the relationship.When Birth Totem Snake individual can understand the motives of the Higher Self and can attain true integration between the Physical, Emotional, Spiritual and Mental Self, then the Motive of the Higher Self for Spiritual Union will ultimately be attained, both in terms of Union with the Self, and the Union with an Other.

Messenger Totems

Messenger totems/animal spirits are messengers that come directly from the spirit world. Anytime the spirit world decides to send us a message it usually comes in the form of an animal. These animal spirits are not meant to walk with us throughout our life like a birth totem or a power totem. They are here to deliver a message. They may appear throughout a certain period of our life or they may come to drop one message. With these messengers we must be intune with nature as well as the animal that is bringing the message. If your intune - you will know which animals are here to send us a message and which ones are just frolicking. Listen to your own inner intution - you will know. Trust me - you will.

There are a few key things to note when you do come across a messenger, that may help in determining the message being sent. Noting the color, species, the direction it is traveling - are all helpful in figuring out what the animal is trying to forewarn or advise. For instance, the direction the animal is traveling will help the individual decide what direction to take in a current situation. The species of the animal points to the message being delivered from the spirit world and this is incorporated with the direction. There is an additional 'silent message' that the animal delivers. Listen to what your instincts are telling you and you will hear the message. Of course, with all messages from the spirit world we must also use common sense. While some may come with great wisdom, we have to remember that just because they are dead does not mean that they are right.

I have had a few messenger totems. Some have been with me for a period of time and some only a day. The crow has been with me for a couple of years. I know that when I see 2 crows it is time for me to do a reading. They make it painfully obvious that they are not 'frolicking'. They have dropped feathers in front of me. Dove in front of my car, etc... Coincidently, the crow is my spirit guide that helps me with my Oracle readings. And the crow represents 2 goddesses that I do honor. *Note honor, not worship. When I see 2 crows, I take this as a very serious sign. And I try to heed the warnings that come with the reading. I have failed with this before and it was a big mistake.

An animal that appeared only once was a rabbit. This past summer, I was on a walk when I looked up and saw a wild rabbit. When he saw me, he began hopping towards me at a quick pace. He came to the edge of the road and sat up. I looked at him and thought to myself - "Hmmm... I could touch him if I wanted." I talked to him for a couple of moments and then walked on. I took note that when I got home I would have to look up the meaning of the rabbit. About that moment, I looked up and another rabbit was sitting on the side of the road. She was watching me intently and didn't seem to be frightened of me. I thought "That's odd. Its definitely a message." I walked to the end of the dead end and started walking back down the other side of the road. I looked for her and she was gone and then I realised she was ahead of me and she had crossed the road to meet me on my path again. When I got home, I discovered that rabbits are definitely key messengers. They were definitely there with some sort of message. That's when a friend suggested that the rabbit brings news of fertility and birth. A couple of days later my best friend had her baby - early.

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